Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Almost Goodbye 2011

Yup tak terasa kita sudah berada di penghujung 2011, seminggu lagi tahun baru, dan ga terasa pula ternyata bulan ini saya tidak membuat tulisan apapun di blog ini huhu. Plus ga terasa pula sudah dua bulan si faznowitzky pergi ke Jepang meninggalkan istrinya yang lucu ini.  We will leave 2011 soon, and i would like to listed my favourite things that happened this year.
  1. I Got engaged on April 9, 2011 after waiting until seven years!
  2. Prepared our wedding from A to Z 
  3. I got married on July 2nd, 2011
  4. I have a husband, another parent (in law), new sisters and brothers (in law)
  5. I share a bed with someone I love 
  6. I have an own home, sweeping the floor, washing dishes, and cooking by myself hihi 
Thanks God, its amazing year for me, one of the liitle part in my life, that i called "HAPPINES". Cant wait for  another gift will happen in next year. May Allah still blessed me and my husband like always, give us healthness and happiness, a baby for our little family. Its so many wish, its so many dream..hopefully 2012 will be nice, will be mine, Aamiin.

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