Kamis, 10 November 2011

Some One who Lives in My Heart

Terbuat dari apakah air mata itu??adakah makanan yang bisa membuat airmata jadi berhenti mengalir??

Hari ini gue lagi galau2nya. Suasana hati yang sedang down bgt, karena baru saja mengalami sesuatu, ditambah dapet kabar kalo si aa sakit. Tadi langsung mewek (pdahal gw lg di kereta omw pulang) bgitu tau aa badannya panas. Mungkin karna suhu di Jepang yang udah mulai dingin gila. Siang nya aja 14 derajat celcius, malem bisa 10 derajat. Trus si aa bilang dia lagi masak sarden buat makan malem, tapi rasanya malah aneh, ga kaya yang gue bikin. Hiks kasian bgt kan udah sakit, mau maem harus masak sendri. Malam jumat yang sungguh kelabu.

Last night, I dream that you were beside me 
It seemed so real, that I cried 
When you touched me, you're my angel 
And you've given me wings 
And I'll fly away with you wherever you go 
Cause you've filled my heart and you've captured my soul 
And baby I want you to know 

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true 
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you 
No ocean, no mountain can keep us apart 
Cause no one can take away someone who lives in your heart 
All out hopes and our dreams are alive 
I'll carry you with me through distance and time 
Nothing in this world can keep us apart 
No one can take away someone who lives in your heart 

And I know there's a million stars betwen us 
But they won't stop my longing 
To hold you and to kiss you 
How I love you 

And I'll find my way to you wherever you are 
Coz you're in my soul and you've got my heart 
And your love will carry me on 

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true 
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you 
No ocean or mountain could keep us apart 
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart 
All the hopes and the dreams are alive 
I'll carry it with me through distance and time 
No one in this world could keep us apart 
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart

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